May 19, 2015

First chapter: MING TEA MURDER by Laura Childs

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Ming Tea Murder: A Tea Shop Mystery #16 by Laura Childs
Published May 5, 2015; Berkley
Indigo Tea Shop owner Theodosia Browning's boyfriend Max has organized a gala opening for an exhibit of a genuine eighteenth century Chinese teahouse, and the crème de la crème of Charleston society is invited. In the exotic garden  in the museum’s rotunda, a Chinese dragon dances to the beat of drums as it weaves through the crowd. The guests are serenaded by a Chinese violin as they sample tempting bites. But Theodosia makes a grim discovery behind the photo booth’s curtains: the body of museum donor Edgar Webster. (publisher)
First paragraph, first chapter: With drums banging and the sweet notes of a Chinese violin trembling in the air, the enormous red-and-gold dragon shook its great head and danced its way across the rotunda of the Gibes Museum in Charleston, South Carolina. It was the opening-night celebration for the reconstruction of a genuine eighteenth century Chinese tea house, and the creme de la creme of society had turned out in full force for this most auspicious occasion. 
Teaser: Theodosia grabbed a cracker that was topped with a dab of pate and accepted a paper napkin from a solicitous waiter. 
"I wouldn't eat that if I were you," called out a brash, nasal voice ( ch. 8) 
Would the first paragraph and teaser tempt you to continue reading this cozy?
Personally, I'd read on, as I have read others in this series and love the atmosphere, ambiance, and recipes, not to mention the intriguing mystery plots.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for feature/review.


  1. This sounds very promising. I'd keep reading - enjoy!

  2. This one does seem fascinating....and what a great cover! It draws me in.

    Here's mine: “THE SHORE”

    1. The detail in the cover picture is very attractive!

  3. I like the look of it!

    One more book to add to my TBR pile!

    Here is my teaser post with a giveaway

  4. Harvee,

    This cozy sounds fabulous--enjoy! :)

  5. I think I've read only one book in this series. Maybe the first one? I meant to read more and there are many now. Thanks for reminding me and, yes, I'd read on. :-)

    1. I have read a few in her scrapbooking mystery series too.

  6. Yes, the opening paragraph and the teaser do tempt me to find out more. Lovely writing.

  7. Though I am usually an advocate of slow and measured opening I like this one. It sounds fun. I like the description of the dragon.


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