May 25, 2015

Sunday Salon: Safe Travels

Welcome to the Sunday Salon where bloggers share their reading each week. Visit The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer. Also visit Mailbox Monday 

I had forgotten that we had programmed the car GPS to avoid highways, and so the GPS led us through small towns and farmland all the way from Columbus, Ohio. It was a scenic drive, but we switched back to the highway later on and finally made it home.
Happy Memorial Day everyone, and safe travels!

I'm in the middle of reading Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave, and liking it a lot.
I finished The Lake Season, another contemporary novel, and also the cozy mysteries,
Don't Go Home by Carolyn Hart and
Ming Tea Murder by Laura Childs. All fairly enjoyable reads.

Fairly new on the bookshelves:

A Fatal Chapter by Lorna Barrett, a Booktown Mystery #9, to be released June 2, 2015 by Berkley.
While out walking Sarge, her sister’s bichon frise, Tricia Miles, a mystery bookshop owner, is led by the agitated dog to a man lying in a gazebo. She’s startled when she recognizes Pete Renquist, the president of the Stoneham Historical Society, who appears to be suffering from cardiac arrest. When Pete later dies in the hospital, the discovery of a suspicious bruise and a puncture mark on his arm suggests he may have been murdered.

This one includes recipes. Books and recipes - nice for the weekend. 


  1. Your book looks really fun! Glad to hear you're enjoying Eight Hundred Grapes. I can't wait to read it. Have a great week!

  2. That looks very cosy! Enjoy!

    1. A cosy book about a bookshop owner does sound good.

  3. I like scenic drives. :-) Eight Hundred Grapes is such a catchy title!

  4. I liked Eight Hundred Grapes too! Have a great week!

  5. I'm glad you made it back safely! Enjoy your cozies, Harvee!

  6. Your cozy looks good.

    Glad to hear EIGHT HUNDRED GRAPES is good. I have that on its way to me.

    ENJOY your books and your week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

    1. Glad you're also getting a copy of Eight Hundred Grapes!

    2. So it is really good then?


  7. Driving through real rural and country areas can be so nice. For those of us living in suburban sprawl even more so.

    1. We enjoyed it for a while, Brian, till we wondered when we'd ever get home!

  8. Eight Hundred Grapes is on my wish list. Too funny about the GPS :)

    1. We have now reprogrammed it to look for the fastest, not the shortest, route!

  9. It was fun for a while, Vicki, until we wanted to get home pronto!

  10. I enjoy scenic drives too... as long as they don't go on for too many hours!


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