Aug 1, 2015

Saturday Snapshot: In the Garden

To join in Saturday Snapshot, head over to the post by West Metro Mommy Reads:

A pale coral hollyhock plant came up among the others of bright pink. Hope more of them will come up next year.

The bee balm in the yard attracted hummingbirds and bees.


  1. Beautiful photos of lovely flowers. I love having plants that attract hummingbirds--except when the birds dive-bomb me. The ones in our back yard can be extremely territorial.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

  2. Lovely flowers! I especially like the hollyhock!

  3. I love hollyhocks and bee balms. Their beauty makes the heat of the summer worth it.

  4. Great photos and details of the flowers. My garden is a mess right now with all of the grass and weeds that are threatening to take over. Hopefully I can make a dent in it soon.

    Sean at His and Her Hobbies

  5. Ah, Harvee, I haven;t heard from you in years! So this is where you've been hiding! Nice to "see" you again.

    Your up-close photos are just gorgeous!


    2015 Big Book Summer Challenge

    1. Nice to meet up again, Sue! I changed my blog title from Book Bird Dog to Book Dilettante and probably lost a lot of blogger friends in the process. Glad to see you.


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