Apr 2, 2018

Miss Burma by Charmaine Craig: It's Monday, What Are you Reading?

Miss Burma

Miss Burma tells the story of modern-day Burma through the eyes of Benny and Khin, husband and wife, and their daughter Louisa.

Based on the story of the author’s mother and grandparents, the book is a portrait of how modern Burma came to be, and of the ordinary people swept up in the struggle for self-determination and freedom. It is a powerful novel of love and war, colonialism and ethnicity, and the ties of blood. (publisher)

Publication date: May 2, 2018.
Thanks to Grove Press for a review copy.

Memes: Visit It's Monday, What Are You Reading? by Book Date, and Mailbox Monday. 


  1. I hope you enjoy the story. Come see my week here. Have a great week!

  2. I don't think I've ever read a book set in Burma so this sounds fascinating to me.

  3. I don't know I've ever read a book set in Burma either. I like the premise.

  4. The book's fascinating so far, and well written!

  5. Enjoy your book :) Sounds like a fascinating one!

    1. One of several good books I'm reading right now, Christie!

  6. This sounds like good history shared by family. Hope you have a good week and enjoy.

  7. I tried to get this one and failed!! Sounds like a good one.

  8. Love the cover.

    Looks good.

    ENJOY, and have a great week

  9. I hope you will enjoy and learn from this book, Harvee!


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