Sep 4, 2018

First Chapter: Beijing Bastard by Val Wang

Each week, Vicki at I’d Rather Be At The Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros where readers share the beginning paragraph(s) of a book they are reading or plan to read.  

Beijing Bastard: Into the Wilds of a Changing China

Beijing Bastard: Into the Wilds of  a Changing China by Val Wang, October 2014, Avery
Genre: memoir, humor 

Raised in America, Val travels to Beijing in 1998 expecting to find freedom but instead has a different experience living in the old city with her traditional relatives.

First chapter:
On the very first page of a book about Christopher Columbus that my dad is reading to me, there is a word I don't know. I am squeezed next to him in the creaky maroon recliner where he does all his reading. Every new word opens up new worlds to me. This one has a long, slow sound to it and looks so different than it sounds. 
"What is a journey?" I ask. He looks surprised and pauses before answering. 
"A journey is a long trip," he says. 
"A long trip!" What a disappointment. But as we read further into the book, I see what he means.
Do this make you curious? I am, considering she takes her journey to old Beijing when she grows up. 


  1. This is new to me, but I like the sound of it. Enjoy.

  2. Sounds good. I hope you enjoy it. This week I am featuring Read and Gone by Allison Brook. Happy reading!

  3. I love the excerpt and the idea of a child taking such a journey. The scene with her dad was a cozy one.

    Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. Though she is an adult when she goes back to Beijing.

  4. Sounds like it could be an interesting read.

  5. Does sound like a humourous read, especially if the title is anything to go by :)

    Here's my Tuesday post. Enjoy your day!

    Sassy x

    1. Yes, I wondered ab out the title. Have to read on to see.

  6. Interesting start for a memoir. Hope you are enjoying this one.

  7. I often read the cover blurbs before I borrow or buy a book!

  8. Sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for stopping by Girl Who Reads.


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