Sep 2, 2018

Sunday Post: Unsheltered by Barbara Kingsolver

I finished a few books and started several new ones at the same time. That has slowed me down somewhat. These hot days are perfect for reading, beside a pool or not. It has even started my hubby reading again after a long hiatus.

My newest read, from Harper:

Unsheltered by Barbara Kingsolver, publication October 16, 2018, Harper
Genre: literary fiction
I have just started this book and it has me in tears already. She is such a good writer. I am eager to see where this story of an heirloom house occupied by two families in different time periods will lead. It begins in the present day with a run down house the contractor recommends demolishing.The novel goes back to the house in an earlier time, the 1870s, when life and politics was just as unpredictable and changing as today.

I am also reading some library books:

The Aviator

 (Translator),  May 8, 2018, OneWorld Publications
A man wakes up in a rehabilitation home or hospital, unable to remember his past except in small flashbacks. He determines that he was born in 1900 but when he finds a bottle with his medication saying the pills' expiration date is 1999, he has to reassess what he believes about himself. The book slowly shows the aviator remembering bits of his past, or is it his past? Even though these events may have happened before he was even born? I am hooked on this story and where it might possibly go.

And a memoir:
Currently reading
The Plant Messiah by Carlos Magdalena, June 1, 2017, Viking, is another library borrow. Magdalena works at Kew Gardens in London and details his life trying to save endangered tropical plants around the globe.

Finished reading:

Fool Me Once

Fool Me Once by Harlan Coben, March 2016, Dutton
Genre: thriller, crime fiction
I started this library book after my hubby started reading again and I borrowed it for him.  Fool Me Once is a captivating thriller, very suspenseful at the end, with twists that you can't see coming. Some of the themes include PTSD from combat during overseas duty, corruption among the wealthy at home, motherhood, and reliable friendship between two people who served together in the military. I gave this 4.5 stars.

What books will you be reading this week?
The Sunday Post  hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer,
It's Monday, What Are You Reading? by Book Date.
Mailbox Monday. Also, Stacking the Shelves by Tynga's Reviews


  1. Every now and then I read a Harlan Coben book, and then ask myself why I don't read him more.

    I am curious about Barbara Kingsolver, an author I've never read. Yet.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. I first read The Poisonwood Bible, a book I recommend.

  2. Oh my! I’ve got the Kingsolver book, too, but with the craziness associated with our kitchen remodel, I set it down and forgot about it. I’m off to find it now!

  3. You've got me at the Kingsolver book. Sounds delightful. old houses.

  4. Nice variety! The only one I read was Fool Me Once, which I remember liking well enough.

    1. I liked this one too, my first Harlan Coben.

  5. I love Kingsolver's work so I have high hopes for Unsheltered. I hope it continues to wow you.

    1. Wish I could read faster and finish my other books so I could continue with it!

  6. Great variety. The Aviator sounds interesting. I always love time travel like stories. Happy Reading!

    1. The Aviator is very Russian, a bit slow but full of psychological interest.

  7. The Aviator sounds good. I have the Kingslover book on my wishlist already. The ever growing list! My weekly updates

    1. Both different but uniquely interesting books.

  8. Nice assortment of books! I've only read one by Coben and keep meaning to read more. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I hve to find the right ones in his series, too.

  9. I'm glad to hear good things about the Barbara Kingsolver book! I love the way she writes and can't wait to get this one!

  10. Kingsolver has been hit or miss for me so I'll be watching for reviews. Enjoy all your new books!

    1. Her Poisonwood Bible I found to be the best. Looking forward to this one too.

  11. The Plant Messiah sounds interesting.

    Happy reading! Great to hear you are taking advantage of the warm weather.

    1. Always good to find out about plant lovers and preservers.

  12. I'm in the process of reading Unsheltered too. I began it while reading Anne Tyler's, Clock Dance, and kept getting stories confused so I put this down until I finished Clock Dance - nice read as well.

  13. Can't wait to read the new Kingsolver. Guess I should go to my library site and see if I can get in line right now.

  14. Looks like nice variety. I've seen Unsheltered on another blog; it sounds good. Happy Reading!

  15. Happy reading. I still have not read a Kingsolver book.


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