Sep 23, 2018

Sunday Salon: Watching you by Lisa Jewell, review

A brief book review this week.
Watching You

Watching You by Lisa Jewell
Published July 12, 2018 by Century
Genre: psychological thriller
Themes: family secrets, adolescence, murder mystery
Source: ebook from NetGalley

I found this an intriguing and engrossing thriller with enough plot twists and turns to keep you guessing throughout the book. Flowing narration, three-dimensional and realistic characters, including adolescents with psychological/developmental difficulties. Highly recommended five-star read. (my review on goodreads and NetGalley).

The Sunday Post  hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer,
Visit Saturday Review of Books, by Semicolon.


  1. That's a scary idea for a book. I'm glad to see that you enjoyed it so much. I wish I wan't such a baby about reading thrillers.

    1. I enjoy them, knowing they are all fiction. Part of the reason I don't enjoy true life crime books.

  2. I hope to begin Watching You next...after I finish Lululemons.

    As for Fear...don't be afraid! We are empowered by our knowledge. Hopefully.

    Do you ever watch Stephen Colbert? He had Hillary Clinton on his show Friday night. Very good!

    He also interviewed Bob Woodward a couple of weeks ago.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  3. Colbert is a favorite of mine, when I can catch him on TV ( I go to bed early)!

  4. I love a good psych thriller so I need to add this to my list.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, it is! A cover is the first thing to catch or turn off the reader!

  6. Glad you enjoyed it. It looks interesting - I've been seeing it around the blogosphere.

  7. I finally read a Lisa Jewell book earlier this year and really enjoyed it so I'm anxious to give this one a try! Hope you have a great week!

  8. Harvee, it sounds like you really enjoyed this thriller. I'll keep this book/author in mind.

    1. Hope you get a chance to read it, Suko. Let us know how you like it.


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