Jun 7, 2023

Waiting on Wednesday: Three New ARCs


Can't Wait Wednesday, a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, highlights books you are eager to read 

Here are a few that came in the mail that I've not yet started. The book descriptions are from the publishers.

by Leonie Swann
Publication: August 29, 2023; Soho Crime ARC

A quirky group of seniors attempts to solve one murder while covering up another—with the help of an enterprising tortoise—in this twisty, darkly funny mystery from the author of Three Bags Full

I Hear You're Rich: Stories by Diane Williams
Publication: August 10, 2023; Scribe UK

In Williams’ stories, life is newly alive and dangerous; whether she is writing about an affair, a request for money, an afternoon in a garden, or the simple act of carrying a cake from one room to the next, she offers us beautiful and unsettling new ways of seeing everyday life.

Second Best by David Foenkinos, Megan Jones translator
Publication: September 7, 2023; Gallic Books

A fictional boy's life is shaped forever when he loses out on the role of Harry Potter. It's 1999. Martin Hill is ten years old.... he makes it to the final two in the casting for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. When the other boy is picked, a devastated Martin tries to move on with his life. But how can he escape his failure, especially when it's the most famous film series in the world?  

A playful, poignant story about fate, loss and how the lives we wish we’d led might not be all they’re cracked up to be . 

What books are you eagerly anticipating? 


  1. All these books sound good. I'm especially intrigued by the first one.

    1. I'm curious how those old fogeys who can barely move around manage to solve a crime!

  2. I hope you enjoy all of these! I just added The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp to my wishlist. It sounds like it'll be a lot of fun. :)

  3. I'm kind of intrigued by Second Best, so I'll look forward to what you think of that one.

  4. "The Sunset Years of Agnes Sharp" sounds just my speed! Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  5. I love the sound of that first one!


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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