Aug 12, 2023

A Subscription to the New Yorker: Sunday Salon


Cover: "Peak Season" by Victoria Tentler-Krylov

I got a fantastic introductory (six month) offer from Conde Nast to get the New Yorker Magazine plus digital access for a fraction of the true cost. Of course, I jumped at the amazing offer. Now I must remember in six months to cancel unless I want to pay the full, enormous amount of regular subscription.

So far, I've been reading the cartoons online and in the magazines - very entertaining - and discovered the short stories, one published per issue. Here is the title of the latest, which I found both intriguing and very well written. 

“The True Margaret,” by Karan Mahajan

. I.
Meera moved to London from India only to discover that her new husband already had a wife in the city.

I went back to a previous edition of the magazine and read that short story on a very different topic, but one which I found very moving and also very good.  "Yogurt Days" is about a dying man who only likes to eat frozen yogurt, and about the women who take care of him. 

I have about two more back issues of short stories to go through.  Eventually, I'll read all the other essays on current issues, politics, current culture, etc. which I've only skimmed through so far. And did I forget to mention the poems scattered throughout each edition of The New Yorker? 

So now I will have a pile of magazines to read as the mood hits me. Can't say I regret subscribing.

Current books

Hope by Anthony Ridker 

Yesteryear, a memoir by Kathleen Burt

I hope to finish and review them shortly.

What's on your reading schedule this week and/or the rest of the month?injuly202

3Memes: The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated BookreviewerAlso,  Sunday SalonStacking the Shelves


  1. I've never subscribed to The New Yorker or any other literary magazine, except for a few poetry magazines when I was younger. I am glad you are testing it out for us, and I hope you will continue to share your thoughts about your subscription during your trial.

    1. I have subscribed in the past to The Atlantic, which is another magazine with interesting articles, essays, etc. You might flip through these magazines in a bookstore to see if there is anything there you might like.

  2. That's a good deal, I like The New Yorker. Our library occasionally has some older copies for sale and I buy them.

  3. I have been a New Yorker reader for years, and find very interesting articles there. I love the cartoons. I also have enjoyed reading about the early days of the magazine when many still-famous writers were publishing there, such as James Thurber. They used to give very good prices to subscribers, but not any more. I hope you enjoy it.
    best, mae at

  4. Make sure to set an alert so you don't start paying out for it by mistake. It's easy to do!!

    Presently I'm about half way through 'Sword of Bone' by Anthony Rhodes which is very good. Next up will be 'A Mind of its Own - How Your Brain Distorts and Deceives' by Cordelia Fine.

  5. I used to subscribe to The NewYorker years ago. But when they started to pile up in my living room unread I cancelled my subscription. But I do sometimes miss having it around.

    1. I hope to keep the ones I accumulate and read them over time.

  6. I always love the covers of The New Yorker! Enjoy your 6 months of this! I rarely read magazines anymore, the few I do get sit in a pile on the table next to my couch in the living room, but instead of picking them up, I end up playing on my phone, lol.

  7. Enjoy The New Yorker. I had a subscription for a while about 30 years ago. It sounds like their tried-and-true format hasn't changed.

    1. Wonder how much the types of essays and stories have changed since then.

  8. I have had offers of free magazines, but never took them up on it because I was afraid I would forget and have to pay! Have a great week!

  9. I'd donate them to library sales.

  10. Years ago I used to subscribe to many magazines including "The New Yorker" but I've given that up, although I do still get some online.

    1. I used to subscribe to magazines and not read them, so I quit, until now.

  11. I've never read a New Yorker - wonder if it's time to explore it? I'll have to check and see if my library is a subscriber..... Looking forward to your thoughts.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

    1. It’s worth a look. The bookstores may have them too.

  12. I'm not much of a magazine subscriber. Hope you enjoy these when you pick them up. I know me, I never would.

    1. Sometimes I'm in the mood and at other times, not as much.

  13. Hooray for getting the great magazine deal. It's been years since I've had a magazine subscription. Sounds like you're already enjoying it. :)

    1. I especially enjoy the short story in each edition, plus the two poems and the cartoons!

  14. I used to subscribe to the New Yorker - such a fantastic publication! Enjoy!

    1. I surprised myself by being interested this time.

  15. How great to have the New Yorker! What fun you will have reading it.

  16. I don't subscribe to anything like the New Yorker... Enjoy!

    1. I'll be looking for them at the library after my subscription ends

  17. I love the covers of New Yorker but I am not a magazines person. I flip through an entire magazine in less than 5 minutes and then I'm done and over it so I never get my money's worth out of a subscription. Luckily the library offers magazines and newspapers digitally, for free, so I can read random articles that pop up when I'm down an internet rabbit hole. Ha ha.

    It sounds like you ARE a magazine person so that is FANTASTIC that you got a good deal on one. The short stories you mentioned sound good!!

    Enjoy and keep us posted on other interesting articles/stories/cartoons!

    1. I used to be that way too, love the idea of a magazine then not read them. This time, for some reason, I'm enjoying and looking forward to the short stories, poems, and some of the cartoons. Not to mention the fabulous covers.

  18. My mother-in-law gave me my first subscription to the New Yorker when my twins started kindergarten (they're 30 now), then renewed it for me for the rest of her life. I really love the magazine, but I frequently got behind and they piled up so quickly! I stopped reading it for several years after she died, but they kept sending "welcome back" offers until I finally took them up on it. They're starting to pile up again though... Enjoy your subscription!

    1. You must have a ton of magazines. Think of all the short stories you have to read, if you feel the urge!

  19. I haven't subscribed to this, but it looks like a good deal. I just don't read many magazines. I do love the colors on the cover though.

    1. The covers are great; we did a jigsaw of one of the covers and framed it. It's now on the wall.

  20. I used to read their online content and really enjoyed it. Plus some of their cover artists or illustrators are amazingly talented.

    1. Online subscriptions are good too. Though there is something about looking at the covers first hand.

  21. Thank you, all you lovely people, for your support of my recent craze!

  22. The cover of The New Yorker is gorgeous! Sounds like you have a treasure trove ready to unpack with all the goodies contained! Hope you enjoy it! :)

  23. At one time I used to buy/read a ton of magazines of all sorts but I haven’t picked one up for decades now. I hope you continue to enjoy your new subscription.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. I hope I'll continue reading them! Enjohying all the short stories and poetry so far.

  24. I had a subscription a few years ago but it was too expensive to keep after the trial. The online version allows for a free article or two a month. They just had an article from Dr. Sunita Puri on why CPR isn't the life-saving tool it's made out to be. It was very eye-opening! I hope you enjoy your trial!

    1. I have marked my calendar to not renew after the trial. There are always the library copies to borrow too.


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