Sep 2, 2023

Sunday Salon: Suspense Novels and Fall Anticipated Novels

Suspense novels were on my mind this past week

The Hike

The Hike by Lucy Clarke
Published April 27, 2023; HarperCollins
Setting: mountains in Norway

Four long time friends travel to the mountains of Norway for a four-day hike in semi remote areas, little realizing the risks from unpredictable weather, rough terrain, and ruthless people. 

I thought the varied backgrounds and personalities of the four friends made their actions less predictable and more interesting when they were confronted with physical challenges and danger. I also liked how the variety of surroundings - rivers, beaches, mountains, forests, played into the story's suspense. 

The mysterious disappearance of a young woman on the same mountain a year before also adds complexity to what seemed at first a straightforward mountain hike. Enjoyable thriller because of the characters and the surroundings, and the compelling plot.


The Last One
Published August 8, 2023; Emily Bestler books
Setting: Atlantic Ocean

Set on an ocean liner in the Atlantic, this thriller has only four passengers onboard, since the hundreds of others disappeared one morning with their luggage and personal effects, leaving the four alone to fend for themselves on a self propelling vessel bound for who knows where. 

I thought at first this was sci fi or fantasy, but then the real world of today crept in to give a chilling take on reality and the people who are entranced by it. I kept reading as the challenges for the four to survive their situation ramped up to unbelievable levels, and the ending floored me.

It was a hard to read book, as may have been the author's intention, but I can say I was intrigued but not entertained.

The InternThe Intern by Michele Campbell
Publication: October 3, 2023; St. Martin's Press

I liked the switch of the main focus from the young attorney interning with the well known judge to the emphasis on the judge herself, and her secret background and life. That the two women begin to help each other out in tight situations involving family and safety is a key point of the novel which I found unusual. This is a suspenseful novel, enjoyable and entertaining.

Other Books to Consider this fall:

The Night Parade: memoir and What We Kept to Ourselves  are two that grabbed my attention. I already reviewed Curtis Chin's memoir of growing up Asian in Detroit.

Here is The San Francisco Chronicle's list of 25 Most Anticipated Books for Fall, one of several lists. Everyone seems to have a list. These do look interesting. Do any of these appeal to you?

What's on your reading schedule this week and/or the rest of the month?injuly202

Memes: The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated BookreviewerAlso,  It's Monday: What Are You Readingand Sunday SalonStacking the ShelvesMailbox Monday


  1. I’m really tempted to get The Last One to read on my cruise trip later this year.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  2. I like Lucy Clarke, didn't know about The Hike so, thank you!

    1. I just put her 2022 thriller on hold at the library.

  3. The number of new books is staggering! You manage to read quite a lot of them. You suggested I read Dorothy Parker — I haven’t actually read her work but her pithy and very funny quotations come up all the time, and it’s amazing how long they have lasted.
    Have a great month in September.
    best, mae at

    1. Wish we had time to read all the books that appeal to us. Sadly, we have to pick and choose from among some worthwhile ones.

  4. I like a good suspense read. The Hike looks awesome and I'm a big fan of Lucy Clarke (I recommend her The Blue and One of the Girls as well) - definitely going to pick that up.

    The Last One definitely sounds out there!

    1. I borrowed another Lucy Clarke from the library as the Hike was the first book of hers I've read so far.

  5. I enjoy suspense novels and I am also looking forward to fall themed reading this season! Have a great weekend!

  6. Those suspense books sound great. I'm weirdly attracted to the one on the ocean liner, even though it's not the sort of thing that I usually read.

    1. I wonder how you will enjoy a cruise if you read this book while on the boat!

  7. I haven't started looking at new books coming out in fall yet. The Hike sounds especially promising. Thanks for sharing these books. I'll take a look at the San Francisco Chronicle's list, too.

    1. The Hike is a good one. I enjoy hiking and trekking mysteries in remote places.

  8. I'm intrigued by Curtis Chin's book. I will have to look it up. The Hike sounds really good too!

    1. A very good book, I hope to republish my review post near to his publication date in October.

  9. I missed one out by mistake last week, so I've *just* started 'Marina' by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and then I'll be reading 'Algorithms To Live By - The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian & Tom Griffiths.

    1. Hope you enjoy Marina. I haven't heard of it before.

  10. Oooh...The Hike looks like my kind of book!

  11. Replies
    1. Quite different from each other, but suspenseful.

  12. These thrillers sounds great! In particular I am intrigued by The last One! It reminds me a little of The Silence of the Sea by Yrsa Sigurdardottir, but in that thriller the entire ship enters the port empty. Thanks for sharing. More books to go on my TBR list now!

  13. Thank you for sharing this selection of the books coming out - I hope you have a great week.

  14. There are so many books I want to read coming out this fall! I don't read much mystery or suspense but, when I do, it's usually in the fall.

    1. I'm looking forward to fall books of all genres. I'm in the mood!

  15. My fall reading list is jam-packed. I can't recall a fuller schedule. There are next books in some favorite series, some new series starting by favorite authors. One I am very excited about is a new nonfiction by Heather Cox Richardson, Democracy Awakening that is out at the end of September. I have a lot of mysteries with different cultures in them and that should be interesting.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. So nice to have lots of books to choose from.

  16. I enjoy suspense novels. The covers of the books all look good!
    Mary @Bookfan

  17. These look good! I've been reading a lot of thrillers recently too. I have The Hike on my ebook shelf, I have enjoyed other books by the author.

    1. I go through phases in book genres. I'm back in the thriller phase.

  18. Interesting books on your list this week. The Intern caught my eye. Hope you enjoy your week.

    1. I enjoyed the Intern and it's probably more suspenseful than my review suggests.

  19. Your books look good. The Last One sounds intriguing. Happy Reading!

  20. I did not enjoy The Last One. I found it to be to far out there. To unbelievably crazy. It just didn't do it for me. I'm looking forward to The Intern though.
    Have a great week of reading.

    1. I was spellbound reading it but it did leave me gasping.

  21. All of these sound so good. I've been thinking about The Last One for awhile since I like to cruise :) Hope you have a great week!

    1. Let us know if if makes you change your mind about cruising.

  22. Nice looking assortment of books. I'm reading October review books and will be for the foreseeable future. I have 15 on my stack for the month. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. II'll be looking at October books soon. Right now, I read according to my mood, irregardless of publication date!

  23. The Hike sounds good! Hope you enjoy the ones you get to read!

  24. Several on the San Francisco Enquirer list sound good to me, especially In the Form of a Question, What We Keep to Ourselves, Family Meal, and Alice Sadie Celine. I took a horror book set on a cruise ship to read on my last cruise, and I don't think I would do that again!

  25. I'm looking forward to The Last One and The Hike sounds like my kind of read too! Glad to hear you enjoyed both! I'm in a thriller sort of mood.

  26. May you enjoy them all and have a great week! :)

  27. A Man with Two Faces is on my fall reading list.

  28. The Last One is coming up on my TBR and I hope I enjoy it. I saw The Hike the other day when browsing on Amazon and it looked good.

  29. Love the thrillers! I have a love/hate relationship with Lucy Clarke, and I will be getting this one fro the library for sure!


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