Jan 13, 2024

Sunday Salon: Read and Reading in Freezing Weather

 Winter Bomb

There are a couple of inches of snow on the ground and on the trees, and there is a high wind advisory for a couple days, so I plan to stay in comfortable lounge pants and watch TV from my new jumbo lounger/beanbag. I could hear the wind all night, and looked outside glad to see the ground free of tree limbs. The giant old oaks around here drop their heavy limbs every now and again in someone's backyard, but none so far, so good. And also, the wind chill is going to be way below zero for the weekend at least. 

Hope you have better weather where you are.

What I read recently

A bizarre honeymoon for a couple on a Greek island. It doesn't have the usual touristy scenes but a more realistic and less comfortable Greece. I gave it three stars.

I gave four stars to this novel about a Caucasian man with a fetish for Asian girls and women, and about the young woman who means to kill him for the suicide of her mother, his one time lover. 

A three star for this thriller set in Iceland, about two people considered murdered, one a twelve year old girl and the other a young woman. A police procedural with a deliberate question mark at the end.

Currently reading 

I like that the plot develops different angles to keep the reader interested in this rom com that at first seems totally predictable but is not, except for the ending, of course. Did these two former high school sweethearts later get married in Vegas, or not? Entertaining read.

All the books are from NetGalley.

What are you reading this week? 

Memes: The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated BookreviewerAlso, It's Monday: What Are You Readingand Sunday SalonStacking the ShelvesMailbox Monday


  1. The girl on the Bridge sounds right up my alley. Thanks for sharing.

  2. We are expecting some very cold weather here this weekend, a rare event for Houston and we are trying to prepare, protecting vulnerable plants, etc. I've read and enjoyed a couple of Indridason's books. I would like to read more and perhaps I will get to them this year.

  3. The Partner Plot looks fun; I want to read that one. And I'm intrigued by The Girl on the Bridge. I like thrillers set in Iceland.

  4. Yiiikes, the weather sounds bad! At least it's good weather to stay inside and read?

  5. We have had high winds yesterday and today too! It is SO cold. We have a dusting of snow though, and I don't think we are supposed to get much over the next few days. It's just supposed to get colder. Happy Reading!

  6. Arnaldur Indriðason’s first novel, Jar CIty, was too violent for my taste; I find several other Icelandic detective writers much more readable. Maybe I should give his work another try.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  7. We're also experiencing extreme cold and lots of wind. Snow, too, at the moment, but they've promised that it won't amount to much. Stay warm and cozy -- your chair sounds perfect!

  8. I have The Sleepwalkers on my wishlist. I love the Greek setting. The Fetishist sounds interesting, too. Stay warm!

    Here is my update post.
    — 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓪 ✿

  9. For us in Texas, we are expecting extremely cold weather, way below freezing, tomorrow. We know nothing about freezing weather, and we tend to panic.

    I like the sound of the unexpectedness of The Partner Plot.

  10. Just about to start 'The Liberation of Paris - How Eisenhower, De Gaulle, and Von Choltitz Saved the City of Light' by Jean Edward Smith, then next will be 'The Railway Children' by E Nesbit.

  11. Good on you to read three netgalley books! I have a list I am working my way through.

  12. I am curious about The Sleepwalkers. Enjoy your cozy day in that lounger/beanbag!

  13. With that sort of weather going on - I think curling up on your beanbag with a book is the only sensible way to go!

  14. My weather is about the same as yours. Sadly, though, I don't have jumbo beanbag. That sounds so comfy! I'm jealous. I hope you enjoy using it.


  15. We did have some branches come down, big ones too. It's a mess here. stay warm!

  16. What a diverse set of books! We have a rough weather week ahead, here! Stay safe and have a good reading week!

    My Sunday Post

  17. We had some crazy wind here too! It woke me up the other night the way it was rushing past our house - it seemed to rattle the windows! Stay warm and cozy!

  18. Oh dear, stay warm!

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

  19. I've read quite a few of Arnaldur Indridasson's books but from his Inspector Erlendur series. I must have missed he had a new one out. Stay warm and hope the weather improves!

  20. That's a great variety of books you've there, Harvee! Weather has been warm over here but there are some showers in the late afternoon. Stay warm and happy reading!

  21. THE GIRL BY THE BRIDGE is catching my eye.

    Hope you are having a good week.

  22. It's cold here too. Stay inside! The Fetishist has an odd cover. Does it go with the book?

    1. yes. The daughter plans to kill her dead mother’s lover by feeding him poisonous puffer fish.

  23. Nice book variety this week. I'm so glad I'm not in your cold weather. I hope you are staying warm with books you enjoy. Happy Reading!

  24. I'm curious about the Iceland title. I really want to visit there!

  25. Sounds like you will be perfectly comfy and cosy.

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week


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