Oct 24, 2010

Sunday Salon: New Reads

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I'm reading several books at once, nothing unusual for all of us, I'm sure! Reviewed The Weed that Strings the Hangman's Bag, the second book with 11-year-old genius sleuth, Flavia de Luce. Loved it.

Have started reading a novel that just arrived from the author, Rosy Thornton of Cambridge, England. A history professor, Rosy has turned her hand to writing novels as well. Her latest, The Tapestry of Love will be released Dec. 14 in paperback. It's set in the rustic mountains of France, where a retired Englishwoman has bought a farm and house in order to make and sell tapestries and drapes. The cover suggests that life in the French countryside may be a bit more challenging than it would seem. I suspect this is also a love story, from the title. Armchair traveler that I am, I'm enjoying the book so far.

I've borrowed a few audiobooks from the library, an M.C. Beaton among them,  Death of a Dreamer (Hamish Macbeth Mysteries, No. 22), set in the Scottish highlands. Inspector Hamish Macbeth is such a colorful and eccentric character, both in how he solves crimes and in his up and down love life! A confirmed bachelor, he is always just escaping the traps laid for him by would-be brides.

Am continuing to scribble little verses, some that are okay and some that may be just so-so, on my new poetry blog, Strummed Words. Hope you will visit and leave a hopeful comment or two :)

What have you been reading/doing this past week?


  1. Love the cover of THE TAPESTRY OF LOVE. It sounds interesting, as well as the audio book. I'll be sure to check on both. I just finished listening to James Patterson's DON'T BLINK on audio and reading Monica Ferris' BLACKWORK.

    Thoughts in Progress

  2. These all sound wonderful, Harvee...The Tapestry of Love especially captivated me.

    Armchair traveling is my favorite kind! No long lines in security, no lost luggage, no hassle....LOL

    Here's my salon this week:

    Click my name for the link....

  3. The Tapestry of Love sounds intriguing - I look forwarding to hearing your final verdict on that one!

  4. I am looking forward to reading Thornton's latest book as I really enjoyed a previous novel of hers...I'll look forward to seeing your thoughts on this one :)

  5. Oh! I loved The Tapestry of Love!! I just finished it about two weeks ago. It's my second book by Thornton and I've ordered two others now. I'm glad you're reading it! Now i'm off to check out your review of Hangman!

  6. My mom always reads the Hamish mysteries. I haven't tried them yet. I need to find more time somewhere!

  7. I will be interested in seeing your thoughts on Tapestry of Love.

    I've had a wonderful reading week.

    My Sunday Salon:

  8. Both of the books that you're working on look great and of course, I love Hamish!!

  9. Love the cover of The Tapestry of Love , I hope it is enjoyable too, because I love the sound of it. I read your review of Flavia's next :)
    I hope you have great week ahead.

  10. I have read far too little lately. Too much work + a novel that demands more concentration than I have as I read so few pages per day.

    But I have a Hamish Macbeth around somewhere; I can feel I need something easy & cosy soon :D


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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