Oct 6, 2013

Sunday Salon: Reviewing from ARCs

 The Sunday Salon.com Welcome to the Sunday Salon! Also visit The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer; Showcase Sunday at Books, Biscuits, and Tea; Mailbox Monday at Book Dragon's Lair, and  It's Monday: What Are You Reading? at Book Journey. Also Stacking the Shelves by Tynga's Reviews.

It's a rainy day today and a good time for reading and blogging.

I often review books for book tours and post reviews of books I receive in the mail, many of them uncorrected proofs or advance readers copies. I enjoy getting books in advance and don't mind the occasional errors in the galleys/proofs. What I do find inconvenient is that I can't quote from the ARCs in my reviews as the quotes may differ or not be included at all in the final copies. Reviewers are warned not to quote from the galleys or to check the final version first.

Problem is, I don't have time or patience to hunt the books down in the library or bookstore to make the comparisons, so I land up not using quotes. This I think hurts the review as I do like to give readers a taste of the writing and style, so important to anyone thinking of buying or borrowing a book.

I received one finished book and three uncorrected proofs/advance readers copies last week and am eager to read them, nevertheless.

Before I Met You by Lisa Jewell, a finished novel courtesy of Atria Books

The Pursuit of Mary Benner: A Pride and Prejudice Novel by Pamela Mingle, to be released November 26, 2013, courtesy of William Morrow

Under the Wide and Starry Sky by Nancy Horan, to be published January 21, 2014, courtesy of Ballantine Books. This is the turbulent love story of Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson and his American wife Fanny.

Stormbird (Wars of the Roses #1) by Colin Iggulden, historical fiction to be released October 10, 2013, courtesy of Penguin.

Let us know what you got in the mail, finished books or ARCs. I am always interested in new books and soon to be released books, regardless of my griping.


  1. If I want to use a quote from a proof I will email the publicist to check if it's OK to use. Much quicker than hunting down a final copy.

  2. Ellie beat me to the punch here. I don't review ARCS anymore, but when I did, they always came with a letter detailing how to contact the publisher by email.

    I never tried it, so I don't know how well it works, but it may be worth looking into.

  3. Good suggestions, Ellie and JC!

  4. I'm probably amiss when I occasionally use quotes from ARCS...but I make a notation that the book is an ARC. I think most people understand that....

    However, perhaps I should reexamine my practice. Mostly I don't use quotes on any books....


  5. Interesting post! I too quote from an ARC but indicate that I am quoting from an ARC and hence the page may change. Not sure if what I'm doing is kosher ... maybe I should rethink this, like Laurel-Rain!

  6. The other problem I have with ARCs is what to do with them when I'm done. I can send published books to a Book Fair to be sold for charity, but that doesn't seem right for ARCs. My best solution is to find another reader to send them to but when that doesn't work out, I've had to recycle them.

    Joy's Book Blog

  7. It's been rainy here too, for the last few days. Pretty gloomy weather. Stormbird looks very good, I like that era so that may have to go on my pile. Thanks!

  8. I agree with you regarding the quotes. All your review books look good. Enjoy!

  9. Sometimes you can search for the quote on Amazon to verify too.

    Before I Met You looks so good!

  10. I don't use quotes from the ARC's, but if I do have any questions, I'll shoot a quick email to the publicist that sent the book t me and they normally are good about responding. Enjoy your week and your new books.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  11. Those books you got in the mail look fab! Happy reading!

  12. I do wonder at times if I should quote from ARCs(sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't)....

    Enjoy your books, Harvee!

  13. Nice assortment of new books. I think it's okay to quote from an ARC, as long as you mention that it's from an arc?? I think I've done that, so I hope so:)

  14. I think Under the Wide and Starry Sky sounds good!
    I used to use quotes but not so much any more. When I did and they were from arcs, I'd contact the publicist like Ellie recommended.

  15. The inability to easily use quotes does sound like a source of frustration. I would really find it difficult to write something about a book without being able to use quotes.

  16. I got the new Horan too and I'm excited about it! If a book is out, I go to Amazon to see if I can "look inside" to check to see if a quote has changed.

  17. It looks like you received some great books this week. I will look forward to your reviews. That is a good point about quotes and Advance Reader Copies.

  18. Nice mailbox.

    I picked up UNDER A WIDE AND STARRY SKY at the BEA. I need to get to it.

    ENJOY your week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  19. great books! I didn't realize the topic of the Nancy Horan was Robert Louis Stevenson and his family - I am definitely interested in that one!

  20. I don't use quotes that often but if I do I use the library to track down finished copy quotes - the publicist idea sounds better.


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