Jan 31, 2018

First Chapter: Fools' River by Timothy Hallinan

Fools' River

Title: Fools' River by Timothy Hallinan
Published November 7, 2017; Soho Crime
Genre: mystery, thriller
Setting: Bangkok, Thailand

First paragraphs:
The blinds are drawn the way they've been drawn forever, with the inside edges of the slats tilted to block his view of the sky and the fall of sunlight through the window, which means he has no idea what time it is. Not that knowing would do him any good. 

He had a watch once, a gold one, French or Swiss or something like that, European, but he hasn't seen it since he got here. 

Wherever he is. 

Why are the blinds angled that way?

Book description:
The two most difficult days in Bangkok writer Poke Rafferty's life begin with an emergency visit from Edward Dell, the almost-boyfriend of his teenage daughter, Maiow. The boy's father, Buddy, a late-middle-aged womanizer who has moved to Bangkok for happy hunting, has disappeared, and money is being siphoned out of his bank and credit card accounts. (publisher)

Would you continue reading based on the opening paragraphs and other info?
MEME: Every Tuesday Vicki @ I'd Rather Be at the Beach hosts First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, where readers share the first paragraph, maybe two, of a book that they are reading or plan to read soon


  1. I'd read more! This book, set in Thailand. sounds like one I'd enjoy, Harvee.

  2. This sounds really good. I'm trying to read more thrillers this year. I'm pretty new to the genre.

  3. This is the 8th in the series. You can start with the first or with any of them, actually. As stand alone thrillers.

  4. I love to read novels and most of the time I love to read historical fantasy stories. But now in these days I am looking for a new change and this novel really sounds good. I added this book t to my reading list and going to eBook download in PDF to read the full story.


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