Feb 4, 2018

Sunday Salon: Venezuela, New York City, and Korea

The snow is back after a short respite, though just a heavy dusting on the ground so far. More to come, I bet! How is the weather where you are?

I got three new books last week, hooray! The first is set in Venezuela, the second in NYC, and the third in Korea and Japan. All are historical novels or begin as historical novels.
Black Sugar
Black Sugar
The Wicked City
The Wicked City

I finished reading Fools' River by Timothy Hallinan, a pretty suspenseful mystery set in Bangkok. Read my brief review, here,
I also read the Man Booker prizewinner, The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. My comments are here.
Other books I've read recently that I can recommend are The Confusion of Languages by Siobhan Fallon, and 
Everything Here is Beautiful by Mira T. Lee 

What are you reading this week?
The Sunday Post  hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer,  It's Monday, What Are You Reading? by Book Date., and Mailbox Monday.


  1. It snowed here today and everything is white again, Winter is hanging on. :)

    Have a nice week. :)

  2. We already had snow twice this year, and we never have snow. I’ve heard it’s returning the week of Valentines Day.

    I’m reading Italian books.


  3. I've been eyeing The Wicked City. Enjoy your week and your reading.


  4. Wow! Lots of great books you have here! I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here’s my Sunday Post !

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  5. We got that snow too! Wicked City was good, hope you enjoy it too.

  6. I really liked The Confusion of Languages.
    Our weather is fresh snow (several inches) and frigid temps. Ah, February.

  7. Snow here too! I like how your books are taking you around the world.

  8. No snow here, thankfully!

    I loved Pachinko and am going to see the author today.

  9. The Wicked City is on my tbr list. The others are new to me. Have a great reading week.

  10. All of your books are new to me. Our weather sounds similar. It dusted us with snow a couple of days last week and then the temperatures dropped to well below zero. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  11. I'm tired of snow and I'm tired of cold.
    Enjoy your books. I love that they all have such different settings.

  12. ENJOY!!!

    LOVE Beatriz Williams' books.

  13. It's back cold here. I'm not a fan! I loved the Beatriz Williams book though I tend to love anything Williams writes! Have a great week!

  14. I'm adding Black Sugar to my wishlist. I read and enjoyed Pachinko last year. This week's post

  15. I managed to get the dogs walked before the next round of snow started. I was proud of myself. I love historical fiction, so I’ll have to check these out. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  16. Only some rain for us. Your 'traveling' historicals sound like good reading. Enjoy!


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