Jan 14, 2022

Sunday Salon: Home, Fate, Drama, Learning Japanese

New ebooks: 

How to Find your Way Home by Katy Regan, February 15, 2022, Berkley

 Emily and her older brother Stephen have been separated for many years. Something catastrophic tore them apart and sent Stephen first to jail, and then to years of abject poverty and homelessness on the streets. I'm waiting to read the full story of what had happened to the brother and sister and their family so much earlier.

The Red Thread of Fate by Lyn Liao Butler, February 8, 2022, Berkley

Book description: Two days before Tam and Tony Kwan receive their letter of acceptance for the son they are adopting from China, Tony and his estranged cousin Mia are killed unexpectedly in an accident. A shell-shocked Tam learns she is named the guardian to Mia’s five-year-old daughter, Angela.  

Overwhelmed..., Tam must also decide if she will complete the adoption and bring home the son waiting for her in a Chinese orphanage. 

Watching on Netflix: 

A French-comedy drama series caught my attention. Call My Agent won an International Emmy Award for Best Comedy. A talent firm in Paris works hard to keep their clients working and their company in business. The agency characters are amusing in their handling of capricious actors, their clients. 

 The series in French is called Dix Pour Cent, or ten percent, the amount the company keeps of the earnings of their clients. I'm almost finished with Season 1, and there are at least four more seasons to go! I think the original version in French is best, with English subtitles! 

This Learn Japanese audio teaches you Japanese words, not phrases. Has anyone tried learning a language by listening to tapes while you're asleep?

These are my other books. You can see I've been trying!  

How are you keeping your winter days busy, and What are you reading this week?

Memes: The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated BookreviewerAlso,  It's Monday: What Are You ReadingMailbox Mondayand Sunday Salon   


  1. Red Thread of Fate sounds really good. It has the potential of turning into one of those character-driven novels that I enjoy so much.

    I remember when all those "learn in your sleep" tapes were so popular a few decades ago. They seemed to be advertised everywhere for a while...never tried one for myself, and never ran into anyone that benefitted from that kind of experience. I'm skeptical, but maybe it does work for some.

    1. The novel is character driven in part, but the plot is interesting too, the background behind the brother's homelessness.

      I will listen to the tape but not in my sleep!

  2. Like Sam, I can remember when learning by listening to tapes in your sleep was a fad. Never tried it myself and the premise seems very doubtful to me. Kudos to you for attempting to learn some Japanese - while awake!

    Both of the books you mention sound like interesting plots. Happy reading!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement re language learning. I probably won't listen to the tapes in my sleep as I need my good night's rest!

  3. Oh wow, if I were younger, I would love to learn Japanese. After all, Murakami night well be my favorite living author.
    But I'm trying right now Italian (for reading) and hopefully plan to go back to Russian soon
    I haven't posted my Sunday Post yet - come visit tomorrow

    1. Emma, I don't believe that ever in this life will I be able to read Murakami in Japanese. I only hope to have common words and phrases at my finger tips and not forget or mix them up, as I do now! Good luck with your Italian and Russian. That is a very impressive new year's goal!

  4. Red Thread of Fate has an interesting premise. How to Find Your Way Home sounds good, too.

    I am always drawn to all things French, so I'll be looking for this French comedy-drama.

    I would love to be practicing my French, so I can't seem to get into a routine to do so. Soon!

    1. Just finished How to Find Your Way Home and it's a very worthwhile book with some themes that include memory and growing up, and homelessness.

      The French drama Call My Agent in English, and Dix Pour Cent in French is popular as it's in its 5th or 6th season! Hope you enjoy it.

  5. Both of your books look like the kind I like to read! Very intriguing...
    I've never heard of learning a language while we sleep. I will watch TV shows in the target language and use English subtitles. I also look for childrens' bilingual books in the target language/English. Good luck!

    1. Thanks. Language learning, especially Japanese, is a very big challenge, so I really only want to learn basic phrases and words right now. Hope you get to read my two books from Netgalley.

  6. I love the covers of your two new books!

    1. Amazing how the colors of the covers are similar! The first one I just finished and loved it!

  7. Your two book covers are complimentary! Noticed that? Good luck with learning to speak Japanese... I know it's not the easiest language to learn.

    Have a good week and enjoy your books!

    Elza Reads

    1. I noticed the similar covers of the two books, quite by chance. I have finished How to Find your Way Home and posted a review on goodreads. I look at the Japanese books every now and then hoping some of the words and phrases will stick!

  8. Your books look tempting, and none of them are familiar to me. Enjoy!

    1. I posted a review on goodreads of the first one. I found these books on Netgalley!

  9. Call My Agent looks like a fun one to binge. Happy reading.

  10. Both of the books you mention sound interesting. Learning Japanese sounds quite challenging - good for you!

    I'm reading All the Light We Cannot See right now. It is beautifully written and quite long.

    Have a good weekend!

    1. I enjoyed All the Light..., especially since the young girl was almost blind and had to find her way around from memory. A memorable read for me, though, yes, quite long.

  11. Love the covers of the top two books. Especially the second one because it looks like a dachshund on it. Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

    1. I'll read it soon and will look for the dachshund. It seems the girl has a pet dog but we'll see what kind it is! Good catch!

  12. The Red Thread of Fate sounds really good. I'd loke to learn Japanese, but it looks complicated.

  13. I'm starting The Red Thread now. With Japanese, you need a colossal
    memory,I think, and more! I hope to master only commo phrases and words.

  14. Your reading choices are so intriguing. I am reading An American Childhood by Annie Dillard.

    1. I get my books these days from Netgalley and from the library, anything and everything that strikes my fancy - a broad spectrum. Dillard's book does sound interesting as well. Enjoy it!

  15. I sometimes fall asleep while listening to audiobooks. I have to rewind them in the morning because I remember nothing! I don't think I could learn a language in my sleep. I'm not that talented.

    1. I hear you! Ditto for me with audio books! It's frustrating so I stick with ebooks or paper books. Don't think I am going to listen to anything in my sleep. But the audio book on a sleepless night might just be the thing to put me back to sleep.

  16. Your books sound good. Why Japanese? Is there a reason or just because you love a challenge? Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I love challenges and hope to visit Japan sometime in the future.

  17. I've seen ads for Rosetta Stone and wonder how well it works! I've finished How to Find Your Way Home and Red Thread of Fate, two worthwhile books.

  18. Call My Agent is fun! I have watched a few episodes, mostly to see how much of it I could understand (spoiler: not much without subtitles) and I really need to get back into that one! - Melinda @ A Web of Stories

    1. Me too! Have to get to season 2. I'm saved by the English subtitles from trying to understand very fast French dialogue.


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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