Oct 22, 2022

Sunday Salon: Lonely Stories and a Locked Room

 Library Finds:

I took home about five new library books today, hoping to read them as well as the ebooks I signed up for some time ago. I will be surprised by the ones I choose to read. Do you read all the library books you borrow, or do you land up picking and choosing in the end?

Not many books read this week as I've been binge watching Ozark on a new Kindle Fire! 

The Lonely Stories by 22 celebrated authors, April 19, 2022 by Catapult

About: A collection of personal essays about the joys and struggles of being alone by 22 literary writers including: Lev Grossman, Jhumpa Lahiri, Lena Dunham, Jesmyn Ward, Jean Kwok, Yiyun Li, and Anthony Doerr.

The Locked Room(Ruth Galloway #14)


About: Pandemic lockdowns have Ruth Galloway feeling isolated from everyone but a new neighbor--until detective Nelson begins investigating a decades-long string of murder-suicides that's looming ever closer. 

I haven't read many books set in pandemic times. This is the second one I've come across recently.

What are you reading this week? 
Memes: The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated BookreviewerAlso,  It's Monday: What Are You Readingand Sunday SalonStacking the ShelvesMailbox Monday


  1. I don't borrow many library books, so I don't have that problem. The locked room sure looks good.

  2. These days, I do read all the library books I borrow since I don't borrow that many, and if I check them out, it is specifically to read it. Back when I was a kid and borrow from the library more than I bought them, I definitely checked out way more books than I could read. It was a lots less expensive than my habit of buying more books than I can read is now.

    1. I just get so ambitious when I see good library books.

  3. I'm always impressed at people who can read a whole pile of books during the time alloted by a library. I can hardly finish one in that amount of time.

    1. Thank heavens our library system allows us to renew books multiple times.

  4. Right now I have thirty books checked out from the library. So, no, I don't read all of them. If my hometown library doesn't have a book, I have seven other nearby library cards.

    The Lonely Stories sound interesting. Loneliness is an epidemic in America.

    1. Wow - 30 library books! I think the most I've had in a go is maybe a dozen. Usually 4-6. Our library has a 3 week read time with renewals easily available if it's not on hold by someone else. I try to be respectful if there are others waiting for the book too. I mostly use it to request specific books rather than walk in and wander around. My TBR is so long, I try to actually stick to books I have on there that I want to read. I only occasionally buy books anymore and exclusively use the library or ARCs. The ARCs get out of control sometimes.

  5. The Ruth Galloway novels are a fun read, but I'm way behind you -- it will be months or years until I get to number 14 and by then the pandemic will be a dim memory. Or will turn out to be a repeated nightmare.

    best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. I bet you can read these books out of order.

  6. I don't borrow from the library that often as I have so many paperbacks and Kindle books to get through at home. My daughter borrows 3 kids books every fortnight and we tend to get through all of them.
    The Lonely Stories looks interesting.

    1. I try to limit how often I go to the library too.

  7. I don't always end up reading all the books I get from the library either. I usually run out of time. I hope you enjoy these. Have a great week!

  8. I haven't borrowed a book in a while as I am behind on my Blog Tour books - maybe next month!
    Have a great weekend!
    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  9. That's great you got a new Kindle Fire ! Is it big or small size? Happy reading to you.

    1. Small size, as it's easier to handle and carry around.

  10. I try to read all the books I borrow from the library, but I inevitably end up running out of time on some of them. I'll return them and then check them out again later when I have more time 😅

    1. Our library allows us to renew books online.

  11. In my pre blogging days I used to get the maximum of ten and read them all within the 3 week borrowing period, quite often I’d also add a few more books on to my kids card.

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Yes, ebooks take up most of my time.

    2. Interesting, our library doesn't have a limit. I tend to have both a library book and ebook going at the same time. I have LOTS on the kindle to read and it's easy to forget about them since they're not staring at me from the shelf.

  12. Both of those are library treasures for sure! Lonely Stories will definitely grab my attention as well.

    Happy reading this week!

    Elza Reads

  13. I don't go to the library but I guess if I did, I'd read all the ones I'd borrow.

  14. No, I don't read all the books I check out from the library. I try to, but I'm usually not fast enough. I hope you get to finish all of yours. Thanks for stopping by!

    1. I'll try to read them before I can no longer renew them.

  15. I want to read the new Ruth Galloway! I've enjoyed the previous books in that series. And I try to read all the library books I check out, but I don't always seem to manage it. But that's okay. It didn't cost me anything to check them out, so I don't feel too bad if I have to return a few unread.

    1. Yes, I don't feel any guilt about returning library books unread.

  16. It's good enought that I binge watched it this week till I finished!

  17. My son showed me how I can get to Netflix and Angel Studios on my TV tonight. But chances are I won't watch too much anytime soon.
    Both of your books look good. Happy Reading!

    1. Hmm - it had my name until it published. MarthaE

  18. Your books look good. I can't say I borrow many books from the library these days, unless they are for research. Hope you have a great week.


  19. I enjoyed The Locked Room. I dbf'd a library book after 100 pages yesterday. I think I'm more inclined to do that when I didn't buy or its not a review galley - a library loan is no problem. Usually I use my library for audiobooks that I really want so unless the narrator isn't to my liking I'll listen to the whole thing.
    Mary @Bookfan

  20. I've only recently started using my library again. I've been borrowing e-books with varying degrees of success. I find I take more chances since there is no financial risk, so I'm more willing to DNF a book if it isn't entertaining me.

    1. The library is a great source of old and newly published books!

    2. I agree - I just can't bring myself to pay for an audio book since I haven't established how to choose good ones. It seems very hit and miss. And, I only listen to them on my commute, so it takes a couple weeks to get thru them instead of a couple days.

  21. I'm enjoying that Elly Griffith series. I read almost all of it from the library. I am a big supporter, hosting the Library Love challenge. I do tend to read all the books I check out. With digital holds I find it easy to suspend holds until I actually will read them. In fact, I finished 2 library audiobooks yesterday. Long Shadows by David Baldacci and Wake by Shelley Burr. Both were excellent.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  22. I don't borrow library books. Between review copies and Kindle deals, I have too much to read as it is. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I am often curious about new books at the library, so I go in and browse every now and again

  23. I have enjoyed some books by Elly Griffiths, and this one looks very good. Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  24. I am a huge user of our local library. I've taken to printing out my receipts because they tell me how much money I've saved by using them. (over $2000 this year so far!)

  25. I should get in the habit of using the library more. The last two books I checked out, I returned unread. Oops!

  26. I loved Ozark. It's a great show. The Locked Room looks really good.

  27. I love the Ruth Galloway books, although I've only read the first 3. The 4th will be my next read on my ereader! - Melinda @ A Web of Stories

  28. This sounds like a great creepy book for the season!
    I'm mostly in classics right now I just devoured The Sound and the Fury

    1. I loved the Sound and the Fury,the best one of the author's I think.

  29. I don't always read all the library books I borrow; mostly because they're due for return (My bad. Too many books, too little time!) and sometimes DNF a book because it doesn't interest me.

    1. I don't mind returning a library book that I did not finish.

  30. I also got some new library books that I hope I'll finish.


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