Title: Cinder : Book I of the Lunar Chronicles (Audio CD, Unabridged) by Marissa Meyer
Publisher: Macmillan Young Listeners; January 3, 2012
Reading level: for teens and up
I gave 5 stars to this book in my review: "I wasn't sure about this reworking of the Cinderella fairy tale, but I was hooked by the cover and by the opening sentences. I wanted to know more about this futuristic version, a Cyborg Cinderella...." more...
Macmillan is offering readers a giveaway of the audio unabridged CD of Cinder, Book I in the Lunar Chronicles Series. Macmillan has also provided an audio sample of the book, so you can start listening to this audio clip .
GIVEAWAY: For a chance to win the audio of Cinder, Book I in the Lunar Chronicles Series, by Jan. 3, leave a comment with an email address. Macmillan's giveaway is limited to U.S. residents. No P.O. box addresses, please. (I will contact the winner by email on Jan. 4 and ask for an answer within 2 days, after which another winner will be chosen.) Do enter, and good luck!
UPDATE: Congrats to stacibuckeye for winning the Audio CD.