Nov 20, 2016

Sunday Salon: Kindle books and Other Books

I bought the ebook, Domestic Violets by Matthew Norman, after a recommendation from Lisa of Southern Girl Reads.
If I like it, I'll try his new book, We're All Damaged. It's been a while since I've read a novel by a male author who wasn't a mystery writer.

My current read is The Good Daughter by Alexandra Burt, quite suspenseful so far.

A couple of books I started enthusiastically but left after reaching the middle, as I thought I could predict the direction they were headed. The books were more plot driven so the character didn't carry me through to the end. These include The Wives of Henry Oades by Johanna Moran and Love, Alice by Barbara Davis, both of which I still recommend for the plots, intriguing stories.

There are other Kindle books than Domestic Violets that I have recently bought. I haven't read many, mainly because I prefer paper books, of which the library has a ready supply.

It snowed and sleet-ed and rained yesterday. Who knows what today will bring? But it's reading weather for sure.

What are you reading this week?
Welcome to the Sunday Salon where bloggers share their reading each week. Visit The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer.
Also visit It's Monday, What Are You Reading? hosted by Book Date


  1. I have We're All Damaged, but haven't read it yet. Domestic Violets looks good.

    I have bookmarked The Good Daughter. I enjoyed Remember Mia. I also like the look of Love, Alice.

    Enjoy...and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  2. Snow and sleet here too- yesterday mostly but it is cold now. I guess the nice fall we were having is coming to an end, at least in these parts.

    The Good Daughter sounds good, and love that cover of Domestic Violets!

  3. All your reads are new to me, interesting that the plot driven ones just didn't make it. I think myself I prefer the character driven ones, although plot ones can be exciting.

  4. Domestic Violets has a lovely cover. I hope you enjoy your books!

    My It's Monday! What Are You Reading? post.

  5. We had snow too! I remember really liking Domestic Violets.

  6. The Good Daughter sounds like a good read. Enjoy the rest of your books this week.
    Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews


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