Feb 5, 2017

Sunday Salon: Dragon Springs Road by Janie Chang

Dragon Springs Road by Janie Chang, January 10, 2016, courtesy of William Morrow. In early 20th century Shanghai—the novel follows a young Eurasian orphan’s search for her long-lost mother.

Where and What: I finished this last night and was pretty satisfied with the ending after a long journey with the young orphan Jialing trying to find her place during upheavals in China - the end of the Qing dynasty, the presidency of Sun Yat-Sen in a new republic, the warlord era, and the rise of the Nationalists.  

Themes include the harsh treatment of Eurasian children during those times and the plight of orphans. Jialing is rescued by Miss Morris, the headmistress of a missionary school, who pays Jialing's patrons to educate her at the school.

Themes of Chinese beliefs include the fox spirit who acts as a guardian and protector of Jialing during her young years.

Recommendation: Combine an intriguing story with history and romance, a story with twists and turns that is never predictable or boring, excellent writing, and you have a winner in this atmospheric historical novel. I gave it five stars on goodreads.

A new book that I plan to read soon:

Windy City Blues by Renee Rosen, February 28, 2017, Berkley.

About: one woman's journey of self-discovery set against the backdrop of a musical and social revolution.

When:  the middle of the twentieth century, the music of the Mississippi Delta arrived in Chicago.

What: Chess Records helped shape that music into the Chicago Blues

Who: Leeba Groski comes into her own as a songwriter and befriends performers like Muddy Waters, Howlin Wolf, Chuck Berry, and Etta James. But she also finds love with a black blues guitarist named Red Dupree.

Conflict: segregated society, family conflicts, Civil Rights Movement

Two used books I bought yesterday:
The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri, September 1, 2004Themes: the immigrant experience, the clash of cultures, the conflicts of assimilation, and, most poignantly, the tangled ties between generations.

Mean Streak by Sandra Brown, August 19, 2014.
Theme: Dr. Emory Charbonneau, a pediatrician and marathon runner, disappears on a mountain road in North Carolina, captured by a known violent man. Her husband Jeff reports her missing, as fog and ice encapsulate the mountainous wilderness.

Eager to read both books!

Welcome to the Sunday Salon where bloggers share their reading each week. Visit The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated Bookreviewer. Also visit It's Monday, What Are You Reading? hosted by Book Date Also visit Mailbox Monday


  1. I love to read books set in Chicago, so thanks for sharing Windy City Blues!


  2. Windy City Blues looks very tempting...and I have Mean Streak on my stacks. To read soon, I hope.

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  3. DRAGON SPRINGS ROAD looks interesting. I'll have to watch for it. Have a good week!

  4. Dragon Springs Road sounds interesting--I will look out for it. I had not heard of this book before, so thanks for this excellent review.

  5. I like Chinese history so Dragon Springs Road might really appeal to me.

  6. The NAMESAKE is on my TBR pile, too. I want to read past Pulitzer Prize books since they are almost always fabulous. Have a good evening!
    My Sunday Salon

  7. Dragon Springs Road sounds really good. I really want to read Jhumpa Lahiri.

  8. I read The Namesake years ago. I think theres also a film version.

  9. Nice books.

    I always enjoy Sandra Brown.

    I am reading WINDY CITY BLUES...great historical fiction and a treasure for music fans.

    Have a great week of reading.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  10. The Sandra Brown book sounds like one I'd enjoy. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  11. The Namesake sounds rather timely. Hope you enjoy them all. Happy Reading!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Wow - Dragon Springs Road has such a striking and inviting cover - enjoy that one.

    I've read Mean Streak - enjoy reading that one too.

    Amanda @ Mrs B's Book Reviews

  14. Nice mix of books! Dragon Springs Road caught my eye and I like the sound of Windy City Blues.

  15. I have Dragon Springs Road but haven't read it yet. Happy to see you gave it such a positive endorsement - I'm moving it up on my list.

  16. Dragon Springs Road sounds excellent and that cover is pretty. My current post is about my favorite books that I read in 2016. It is fun to look back.


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