Sep 21, 2010

Book Review: Extinction by Dan Ailey

Hosted by MizB, Teaser Tuesdays asks you to choose two sentences at random from your current read. Identify the author and title for readers.

Extinction-The Ultimate Holocaust: The Plan to Exterminate Humanity
Extinction: The Ultimate Holocaust: The Plan to Exterminate Humanity:
"Yeah, I read about one guy who mounted a laser range finder on a spinning mirror, for all around detection capability. Maybe we could add something like to our robots."
 (ch. 7)
Description of Extinction: The Ultimate Holocaust: The Plan to Exterminate Humanity:
"Disappointed by the inability of the world's governments and conservation organizations to protect wildlife and prevent global warming or resource depletion, this brilliant yet despicable group concludes that human beings are inherently incapable of controlling population growth. They foresee the continued exploitation of the world's natural resources and the existential threat to the survival to all but the most elementary forms of life on earth. The group concludes that the only way to eliminate these threats to the environment is to eliminate the human species altogether.

Under the disguise of a conservation organization called Pleistocene Restoration Organization, the group begins to orchestrate the eventual extinction of the human species with the use of sophisticated robots. Fortunately, the engineers who created the robotic software learn of the organization's nefarious plan and battle to expose the true intentions of the evil organization." (Goodreads)
My comments: Very intriguing concept for a sci-fi novel - reduce or wipe out to near extinction the human race in order to preserve the earth and return it to its former wild state. Create robots to do all the work normally done by humans and make humans expendable.

Of course, this kind of solution to the environmental crisis creates its own problems. Control the humans, but who then can or will control the robots who are programmed to run the show? A novel of intrigue and suspense by retired university professor of biology, Dan Ailey.

I would have preferred if Ailey had not outlined the plot in the Prologue of his novel. It spoils the surprise. I would suggest readers skip the prologue to get the full effect of the novel.

Author: Dan Ailey
Paperback: 407 pages
Publisher: PublishAmerica (September 14, 2009)
Genre: Sci-fi
Source: Review copy provided by Carol Fass Publicity
Objective rating: 4 out of 5


  1. Sounds plausible.

  2. An intriguing concept. My TT:

  3. Interesting idea for a sci-fi novel, but sounds a little like the Terminator films. Excellent teaser!
    Here's mine from The Dark Half.

  4. Interesting idea and interesting teaser!

  5. Thanks for the tip about skipping the prologue...I hate it when I know how it ends before it even begins!

  6. It sounds as the the body count would be pretty high in a novel like this...nice teaser!

    Thanks for visiting mine yesterday!

  7. I just added your feed to my favorites. I really enjoy reading your posts..


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