Sep 1, 2012

Sunday Salon: Giving Away Books

The Sunday Welcome to the Sunday Salon!

I've given away ten books recently by leaving them in public places for other readers to find, read, and hopefully pass on.

This I did through Book Crossings, which has labels you can download and paste onto your books. Anyone can register the ID number of their found book on Book Crossings. This will show that someone has the book you "released into the wild." So far, no one has registered any of my books but I know that most of them have been taken. I checked!

I have also passed on a few books I'd normally keep - to friends who I know will appreciate having them and who happened to be visiting for a few days. No postage involved. That helps!

Gold by Chris Cleave has been taken by a cycling enthusiast.

Lost Memory of Skin by Russell Banks - the ARC of this book that I loved, loved, loved, for its social consciousness, has also been given to another reader.
A Fistful of Collars by Spencer Quinn, an ARC, has been taken by a dog lover and dog owner.
Shadow Show: All New Stories in celebration of Ray Bradbury, is a maybe from someone who perked up at Ray Bradbury's name, though these stories are not by the sci fi writer but by 26 other writers.

My reading list is still long. Same situation for lots of book bloggers, I imagine. Have you given away or loaned any books lately?


  1. I took 3 of my ARC books to our small public library a couple of weeks ago.
    Tumbleweeds by Leila Meacham
    (about 3 friends and Texas football, which we love)
    To Heaven and Back by Mary Neal, MD (about her dying in Costa Rica and returning. She has been on many TV shows)
    Little Women Letters (about letters written by Jo of the original Little Women)

  2. It's always fun for me to bookcross books! Thank you for the reminder. I need to ready a stack of books for my teachers at school next week.

  3. It's nice to spread the love and pass books on. I just mailed out my copy of On The Island to someone who I thought would enjoy it.

  4. I love giving books away too ... it's nice to pass on a good read. I can't afford to send out books, so I am going to donate them at a fundraiser this year end!

  5. Great idea! I have given some books to my neighborhood library; and I have taken books to my gym. I need to do that again!


  6. I usually give my books away to my local library. It saves on postage and if the book's not an ARC, the librarians might add it to their collection.

  7. What a great idea. I had never heard of Book Crossings but think it's a wonderful way to share books. I sometimes give books to the local library and other times pass them on to friends and family. I also do the same with magazines from time to time.

    Thoughts in Progress

  8. It's wonderful that you've been sharing your books in this way. I sent one book out into the world via Book Crossings but it was never registered. I, too, know that someone picked it up though! I might try again.

    I've added a few of your books to my wish list based on your comments, including Lost Memory of Sking, which I've wanted to read for a while and Gold!

  9. I haven't. I am giving away a book for my blogiversary giveaway but I haven't given away any of my OWN books in ages. I just hang on to them!

  10. Thanks for the reminder! I've signed up for Book Crossings but I've yet to let a book into the wild. I need to do that :)

  11. That's so fun! I love passing books on. On Friday I actually left a few out on the front lawn for passer-bys to pick up :)

  12. Harvee, do you know that your blog is set to be a "no-reply blogger". That means when we are emailed the comment you left we cannot respond. In addition, when I click on your name, it doesn't even take me to your blog, but to your Google profile??

    You can go into settings/comments and change this if interested.

  13. I love Book Crossings, makes giving away books so much more fun! I'm still waiting to find a book though.

  14. I live in an apartment so space is scarce - I move my books along as I finish them. I give them to my Mom, friends or a local charity. I try to decide which of my friends will most appreciate the book as I read it.

  15. I've used Book Crossings a few times over the years and no one ever registered my books either! It's such a great idea though. I'll have to give it another shot.


I appreciate your comments and thoughts...

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