Oct 9, 2022

Sunday Salon: Welcome Autumn and Possibly a New Ereader

 A short post this week:

I've just traded in online two of my Kindles -  an old Paperwhite and and a failing Kindle Fire. I now have to package them and slap on Amazon's prepaid labels and take to UPS. Phew!

What shall I get to replace them? I have a newer Paperwhite which I'm happy with.  With my cell phone, I should be covered media wise till I get a new ereader. Do I need one?


I've been jumping about with the ebooks and books, not in the mood for this one or that one, or bored with another one. There are so many ARC ebooks to choose from, it's hard to ignore them in favor of the paper library books I also borrowed.

The Many Daughters of Afong Moy

epigenetic inheritance, which describes memories, similar activities and inclinations passed down through the generations. 

What has Afong Moy passed down from generations past?

Rom  Coms: I'm slowly falling out of love with this contemporary genre, as I've read more mediocre than really good and humorous ones. Either the plots are two tame or lacking in originality,  the humor is lacking, the sex scenes too over the top, and the writing just so-so.
 I'll keep looking, though.

Have a great beginning of autumn!

What are you reading this week?

Memes: The Sunday Post hosted by The Caffeinated BookreviewerAlso,  It's Monday: What Are You Readingand Sunday SalonStacking the ShelvesMailbox Monday


  1. I have an ancient Paperwhite and am reluctant to buy another. That means a new cover because the new ones are a different size. Love the eReader though, my favorite way to read all books with the excpetion of cookbooks.

  2. I am tempted by the new Kindle that has just come out. I have a Kindle Fire because I read a lot of picture books and I just don't think the picture books would be the same if they were not in color.

    My mom read only gothic novels, so that's all that was in my house growing up. I never want to read another one again. Overload, I think.

  3. I am also stuck with my ARC's at the moment! I am slightly behind on reviews, so I am trying to read more than one at the same time. Not the best practice, but somehow I have to catch up! My Book Club books tend to fall behind though, not to mention my own shelf!

    My trusted, 9 year old Paperwhite is on its last legs, but it must just hang on a bit longer. Let us know what you decide to do!

    Have a wonderful week ahead.

    Elza Reads

    1. I may hold off on getting another ereader for a while as I have the Paperwhite and the cell phone.

  4. The Many Daughters of Afong Moy is up next in my queue of library loans and I hope I'm able to get interested in it right away. My current mood does not have time for my interest to be slowly piqued by anything.

    I looked to see if I could trade in my Kindle Fire or iPad but they are TOO old. lol

    What shall you get to replace the two you traded in? Could you use some speakers or earbuds maybe?

  5. I wonder how long my Paperwhite will last. It's getting to be kinda old...

  6. I'm the wrong person to answer your Kindle question. I have a Fire, Paperwhite, and a Voyage. I need all the things it seems. My favorite way to read though is to listen. I listen on my car stereo when I'm driving, and at home when I'm cooking or cleaning etc. I listen on my AirPods.

  7. Interesting that you're fall out of love with a genre. I used to read almost exclusively thrillers or legal mysteries until, after a lot of years, I just got tired of them - they started to feel like the same stories and it was hard to find a creative or good one. So I gradually expanded my genres and now read MUCH more widely, to my immense pleasure. I still enjoy a good thriller but when I've mixed in other things, it seems 'good' is easier to find. I have a Kindle fire and a Fire tablet. The Fire e-reader has some issues and I often can't access the ARCs on it. BUT, I can access them on the tablet. So I've started reading all my ARCs on the tablet, which isn't quite as convenient to carry around. But, I'm not ready to replace the e-reader yet...... Hope you get lots more use from what you've got.
    Hope you have a terrific week and find time to curl up with one of those good books.
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  8. I have a new Kindle Paperwhite, but I hate it. I miss my Kindle Fire, it was easier to use! Have you tried Emma St. Clair's Rom-Coms? They are clean with a little spice, I listened to her Love Cliche' series on audio and I LOVED them. Have a great week!

  9. I just got a new Paperwhite and it's bigger than my old one with more options for brightness etc. And the battery stays charged for much longer!

  10. My Kindle is getting older and cranky. I need a new one but don't know which to choose. Since I use it for review books, it is a pain to transfer them to a new Kindle and sometimes it is even impossible. One day I'll have to bite the bullet and switch though. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. If you read only on Kindle, choose the Paperwhite. If you also like to use the Kindle as a tablet for email, web browsing, etc. choose a Kindle Fire.

  11. Your books look good! I have an Oasis and a Paperwhite, and while I once loved the Paperwhite, once I had the Oasis, it turned into my favorite. Enjoy whatever you pick. Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  12. Everything after my original Kindle Fire seemed slow when it turned pages or brought up books. I just used my iphone now. It's smaller but the speed is worth it. So although I have a Kindle I never use it now.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

    1. I turned in my Kindle Fire as it started to be too slow.

  13. I've read this one. It wasn't a favorite. I've seen mixed reviews of it.

    1. I'm eager to read it to see what I think, but I am guessing it might be a slow read.

  14. I've had my trusty Nook since forever...lol and I use the KIndle app on it also. I hear you about the contemporary romances in general lately. Happy reading this week!

  15. I’ve been reading on my iPad since my Kindle died a few years ago. I find it great though if I had the money I’d probably opt for an iPad mini to read on, since its more portable than the iPad.
    I’m pretty picky when it comes to rom coms too

    Wishing you a great reading week

    1. Yes, I'm looking for a Kindle Fire 8" instead of the 10"

  16. I've a Paperwhite gifted by someone but rarely use it. I prefer physical copies but will still read e-books for travelling and the ARCs.
    I've noticed that there's been lots of romcom books lately... must be the trend but some are hit-or-miss to me.

    1. Yes the Paperwhite is great to read in bed without the overhead light or lamp.

  17. Like you, I've gone through a number of e-readers over the years, but I find myself coming back to the large Fire tablet and the Kindle app there almost exclusively these days despite its extra weight. There's just something about the screen being almost exactly the same size of a hardback page that intrigues. It's silly, I know, but using my Paperwhite seems to make a book harder to get through because of the number of times I have to flip screens before reading a single real book page. Because of that, my current Paperwhite will probably last forever, and I'll be replacing the Fires, instead.

    1. I enjoyed my Fire while I had it and may replace it in the future.

  18. I think I have two old Kindles here. Not sure why I keep them. I've been staying away from the library so I can catch up on books I need to review. Hopefully, that will change in the new year.

    Ford's book sounds fascinating. Hope you enjoy it.

  19. You're probably good sticking with the newer Paperwhite. I have a Kindle Fire which I like. I'm not sure which number it is. Are you supposed to return them when they go bad? That's a good idea. I have read Jamie Ford before - he's usually a good writer.

    1. I think amazon will buy back the used kindles for $20-25 if they are in okay condition, otherwise you get only $5 or so.


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